Priorities In Order

Matthew 26:39 (NIV) —

‘Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My father if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will’’

Yesterday we looked at how Jesus brought his disciples into the pain he was feeling as the weight of his inevitable death fell upon him. A beautiful example of true friendship and honest leadership.

As beautiful as this is, something that has recently struck me when reading this passage is that although Jesus took his disciples with him to Gethsemane, shared his feeling of sorrow and despair with them, and asked them to stay with him, the most vulnerable and honest conversation that happens in the garden is between Jesus and his Father.

Jesus knew the only thing that would bring him true comfort, true peace and true confidence in this moment was prayer - and he holds nothing back, he bares his heart and soul before God. He’s not looking to Peter, James or John or any other of his friends and family for words of wisdom - he’s looking straight to his Father in Heaven.

So often, I’ll find myself seeking counsel or advice from a friend or mentor or leader hoping for this same comfort and peace and confidence that can only be found in God. And God is desperate to draw near to us, speak to us and affirm us in ways that are far better than even the wisest human could do - we just need to give him the time and space.

Don’t get me wrong - talking things over with the trusted people in our lives is important and we know that God is able to use people as a channel to communicate his heart to us. But let’s get our priorities in order. Let’s seek God first to offer us the comfort, the confidence and the peace that we find ourselves searching for daily.

Prayer — Jesus, I’m sorry for the times when I don’t put you first. Thank you that you are a God who wants to bring me comfort and peace. Help me to come to you with everything!


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