Renew And Restructure
Taku is Lead Worship Pastor at Gas Street
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) —
‘If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.’
Renew: I love this verse because it reveals both the heart and nature of God. First, his nature: our Father is holy, infinitely good and righteous. He requires us, his children, to be holy, but we fall short of that mark, getting pulled in all directions by the different agendas and attractions of life. The Good News is that the heart of God is quick to forgive and slow to anger. He is ready to start anew with us and transition us from a place of suffering and sin into a place of healing and forgiveness.
This healing and forgiveness won for us by Jesus on the Cross, can transform not just our hearts, but hearts in our neighbourhood, in the nation and the world, dealing with the virus of sin which blights everything and everyone.
With every heart that has found intimacy with Jesus and has transitioned from its own ways to God’s ways, the darkness is driven back and the building of the kingdom of God advances.
So let's Restructure!
Who comes first in my life?
Who is the captain of my ship, me or Jesus?
Am I loving others as much as I should?
What can I do to strengthen my relationship with Christ?
What do I value and should I be valuing these things?
Prayer suggestion: Take your honest answers to the above questions and talk to Jesus about them.