
Luke 15:14-16 (NIV) —

‘After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.’

Have you ever had one of those moments where you ask yourself ‘how did I even get here?’

If you have, you’re not alone. I invested in alternative cryptocurrencies during the pandemic – one-day riding high, the next laid low, full of regret. I’m pretty sure that the younger son, wallowing with the pigs, felt something quite similar, only worse! 

He went chasing what the world told him would bring him joy, pleasure and satisfy his inner unrest. Like a rotten apple, that looks shiny and enticing on the outside, yet provides no sustenance, it came to nothing. 

Reading this parable, I can’t help but think of people I love in my life, who don’t yet know the Lord. Often these friends don’t appear to be wallowing in the mud – in fact most seem to be living pretty fulfilled lives! I know this is not the case though, and when raw moments of vulnerability allow, I’m able to witness their futility and frustration in chasing the pleasures of the world. This parable lifts the cloak on this sentiment, viscerally portraying where chasing fruits of the world leave us … in a pigsty! 

Through following Jesus, we are in a blessed position to recognise that only Jesus can satisfy… not that that means we always act accordingly. There are many times I can recall where I have put my trust in things of the world, despite knowing the fruitlessness of it. Thank the Lord that there is Someone who will never let us down, who is steadfast, kind and true to their word and accessible to all. I want to act in line with what I know! If you feel similarly, why don’t you take a minute to pray the simple prayer below – add what you feel prompted to.

Prayer - Father, thank you that only you can satisfy. Highlight any areas in my life where I’m putting my trust in the wrong places.


The Return

