
Philippians 2:14-16 (NIV)

‘Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.’

Gosh, is it easy to moan and complain! This last year has provided us with no shortage of reasons to dwell on the negatives in life… ‘My house is too small,’ ‘I couldn’t go on holiday last year,’ ‘I don’t want to go on another walk.’ Sometimes we make it really creative…we say ‘Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a house like that’ or ‘I wish there was more hours in the day!’

In yesterday’s passage, we focused on the things we say, but sometimes, as Paul is pointing out to us in this passage, it's just as much about what we choose not to say. For him, our actions have the potential to speak far louder than our words ever can.

We don’t know loads about Paul’s situation writing this letter but from what we do know, it’s clear this wasn’t just a truth he taught, but something he lived out. When Paul wrote this letter, he was in prison, probably hungry, uncomfortable and scared for his future. Have you ever thought about how little he complains about that in his letters? Paul almost never mentions his condition and when he does, it’s only to say that he is surely in chains for Christ since his situation has served only to advance the gospel and so he chooses to rejoice in his suffering every single time. (Philippians 1:12-18)

Of course, none of us is immune to fear or suffering - no doubt Paul could have come up with a whole list of complaints. But what this passage reminds us is that when we realise that God’s victories are won on spiritual, not earthly ground, we can let go of what we cannot fix by grumbling and complaining, instead holding firm to the One who gives life, shining in the victory Jesus won for us.

Prayer – Jesus, would you remind us of this truth today. Help us to cling to your word and hold firm to the heavenly victory you won for us.

**Inspired by ‘Shut up and Shine’, Holly Furtick


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