Signs And Wonders

Acts 2:43 (NIV)—

‘Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.’

 Let’s take a minute and digest today’s verse. What kind of church is this where many signs and wonders are performed? We’re not talking a couple of 'prophetic words' or Jesus answering my daily prayer for a parking space in Moseley (although some might call that a miracle). We’re talking about a consistent pattern of genuine, awe inspiring, sit-up-and-listen, miraculous wonders and signs that stopped everyone in their tracks. If you want a flavour of some of these miraculous signs and wonders, fast forward to Acts 5:15-16:

 'People brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by evil spirits, and all of them were healed.'

 These early followers of Jesus were so filled with faith and with the power of the Holy Spirit that even their shadows healed people. At Gas Street, we don't want to be a church that sings some nice songs, listens to a nice talk, drinks mediocre coffee and goes home. We want to be a church with healing shadows. A church that has faith for the miraculous. A church where everyone is filled with awe at the many signs and wonders being performed.

 To be that church, not only do we need the single-minded devotion we considered yesterday, but also we need to step out, to take risks, to pray for the sick, to take the gospel outside the walls of the church. And we need to build faith. Recently, I've started keeping a list of every time I see or hear of God doing something miraculous: reading back over my list acts like an instant faith booster! I’d encourage you to do the same and, who (God) knows, you may develop a healing shadow!

 Activity- Start a list of all the cool stories that you hear of things that God has done. When you feel like you lack faith, read them to remind you that our God is a God of miracles!


What’s Mine Is Yours


Devotion – The Power Behind The Power