It Only Takes Something Small
John 1:48-51 (NLT)
‘How do you know about me?’ Nathanael asked. Jesus replied ‘I could see you under the fig tree before Philip found you.’ Then Nathanael exclaimed, ‘Rabbi, you are the Son of God – the King of Israel!’
I have recently been reflecting on my journey to faith. I’ve noticed that there were small seeds planted along the way that led to my salvation. I believe many share this experience. Somewhat like the completion of a jigsaw puzzle, small seemingly insignificant pieces come together to form a big picture of God that makes clear to us the Gospel truth.
My memorable jigsaw pieces were - the times my mum brought me to church and prayed for me before I slept; the various conversations about faith at my youth group and then witnessing young people on fire for God at Gas Street and wanting a bit of what they had. A chain of events.
In this passage in John, Nathanael comes to faith through a chain of events. Firstly, he is told about Jesus by his friend Philip (as we explored yesterday) and then he is noticed by Jesus under the fig tree. Separately, these events may seem irrelevant. But collectively - possibly alongside other events we don’t learn about - they are the pieces that ultimately result in Nathanael’s revelation of who Jesus was.
You might find yourself dismissing the contribution you can make to someone’s faith journey. You might be the final piece in the salvation picture or one of the many along the journey to the finished puzzle. You might even be the first! God has a plan for each of us and knows exactly how each ‘piece’ fits to bring it to completion.
So, if he calls you to take a step, don’t let the opportunity pass you by, no matter how small it might seem. You never know the impact it could have on someone’s life.
Prayer – Lord, provide me with opportunities, both big and small, to share my faith.