Stand Strong

Romans 3.26 (Passion Translation)

“There was only one possible way for God to give away his righteousness and still be true to both his justice and his mercy – to offer up his own Son. So now, because we stand on the faithfulness of Jesus, God declares us righteous in his eyes!”

I’ve been sitting at a piano playing music since I was little. I used to write songs on my own, and Becky, my wife, grew up doing the same. But then, about ten years ago, we realised we wrote much better songs when we wrote together! One of the recent songs we’ve written is called ‘The Rock’ and the chorus is ‘Stand Strong, God is with, Stand Strong, God is for you, Stand strong, Jesus is the rock you’re on!’. 

Today’s verse unpacks the extraordinary truth of what this means – to be embedded into Jesus, to build your day, your life upon him. It says that standing on Jesus as our rock, means that we honour, believe, and trust in who Jesus is and what he has accomplished – his faithfulness to follow his Father’s voice – even though it led to the cross. If we do trust this Jesus and give our ‘yes’ to him, God declares us righteous – which means fully forgiven and in right relationship with him.

It’s an incredible thing, so big we can’t get our brains round it, nor our hearts to fully feel it. How high, how wide, how deep is the love of God for us! That he would come up with such a genius plan to restore our relationship with him and to fill our brokenness with glory. 

If you know you’re building on or investing in sinking sand today, decide to move your feet and step away. Get on the rock and you will stand strong.

Prayer — Lord Jesus, I want to build my life on you! Nothing else. I thank you that you are my righteousness and that you are my forgiveness. I give my ‘yes’ to you today, fill me with your Holy Spirit and help me to tell others about the solid ground I’ve found in you.


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