Super Size Me

2 Corinthians 9:6

... Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.

You may remember a documentary called Super Size Me. In it, a filmmaker took on the challenge of eating only McDonald’s food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for 30 days. One of the conditions was that if he were asked if he wanted his meal ‘super-sized,’ he had to say yes! During this experiment he ate on average 5,000 kcal a day and as a result during the 30 days he gained 11.1kg (24lbs). 

There is an important principle in life; you reap what you sow. Stuff your face with McDonald’s - you will grow! 

Paul, in writing to the church in Corinth, is encouraging them to consider their giving. There is a spiritual principle at play: the more we give away, the more blessing will be released. Paul is not talking about a financial investment - give £10 and you’ll receive £100. No! If you want to know more joy, more peace, more hope, more satisfaction, more life - give! We will know God’s blessing and favour in unmeasured ways when we learn to be generous with our money, words and time. We will see God’s Kingdom breaking out all around us in this city when we sow generously. 

Proverbs 11:24 'The world of the generous gets larger and larger;

the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller.' (MSG)

I want to live a super-sized life, experiencing God’s goodness all around. It seems to me the way to access this kind of life, comes through our willingness to give!

Prayer — Lord help me to be generous with all that I have. Today, show me specifically how I can sow seeds, that will lead to a great harvest. Challenge me where I may be sowing seed sparingly.


The One Who Sees You


Hard-Wired to Give