
Luke 2:19

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 

Have you ever let little grievances and frustrations build up in your heart for a long time? Before bed, you recite to yourself the annoying and inconsiderate things someone around you has done and the next day you fully expect them to slip up again and your anger begins to leak out of you in snappy comments and negative attitudes until you eventually confront the issue (or not) and finally let it go. Been there?

It says in Luke 6:45, 'For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks' and I hope I’m not alone in proving this true in a whole variety of less-than-inspiring ways. 

The verse for today from Luke 2 has to be one of my all-time favourites. In it, Mary shows that we can, like her, choose to do the opposite. To meditate on and store up all the incredible things we’ve seen God do in our lives, recollecting the remarkable ways he’s worked in and through us and abiding in the truth of who he is so that what flows out of us is filled with faith and truth. 

Reflection — As we come to the end of 2021, why not take 10 minutes today to recall and take note of all the amazing ways you’ve seen God move this year in a timeline of thankfulness. Then take a few minutes to meditate on all it reveals to you about God.


Step Into Christmas

