The Flesh Is Weak

Matthew 26:41 (NIV) —

‘Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.’

As Jesus returns to his sleepy disciples in the garden, he reminds Peter, James and John that ‘the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak’. In The Message version it reads, ‘There is a part of you that is eager, ready for anything in God. But there’s another part that’s as lazy as an old dog sleeping by the fire.’

I can relate to this. So often there are things that I’m desperate to see God do in my life, in the lives of others, in my community. This is my eager part, the part that is ready for anything of God, the part that I know is the yearning of God’s spirit living within me. Yet when it comes to being consistent in prayer or stepping out of my comfort zone or choosing to put someone else's needs above my own - it seems such a battle; I feel lazy and unmotivated and reluctant - this is the flesh!

Galatians 5 describes the flesh and the spirit in constant battle, one wanting what is contrary to the other. So when the Spirit leads you to pray, an opposing voice of the flesh says ‘What’s the point?' When the Spirit presents an opportunity to share your faith, the flesh says ‘No, you’ll look a fool’. When the Spirit says ‘fast’ the flesh says ‘No, I’m hungry’. You get the gist…

God’s spirit is wanting to speak to us every moment of every day: he wants to lead us into a life full of freedom and opportunities to see and be part of God’s kingdom come on earth. But the flesh will always have something to say in response and will want to lead us to death. So, which voice are you going to tune into, which are you going to let direct your life? 

Prayer —Thank you Jesus that you gave us your Holy Spirit! Help me to hear your voice and choose each day to walk in step with your Spirit. 


God’s Will And Ours


Sleeping On The Job