The Original Palm Court

Judges 4:14

‘Then Deborah said to Barak, ‘Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands. Has not the Lord gone ahead of you?’

No, not the Palm Court in a posh hotel with resident pianist, but the Palm Tree near Bethel under which Deborah, the fourth Judge or Leader of Israel, held her Court of Justice. What an absolutely amazing woman she was!

Now apologies to all you male-of-the species reading this, but I love stories both ancient and modern of exceptional women leaders. In Deborah’s day it was a rarity. Even today some women have to work very hard to break through ‘glass ceilings.’

Deborah, a prophet, a wife and surely a mother, was called by God to lead his people Israel at a very difficult time: for twenty years they had been terrorised and oppressed by a neighbouring enemy. As well as acting as arbiter of justice, Deborah led her army to an astonishing victory followed by 40 years of peace. It’s worth reading her story in Judges 4 and 5. (spoiler alert: it includes a rather gory assassination by another woman!)

What were the characteristics that made Deborah such a good leader?

She was brave, wise, knowledgeable, confident, trusted, a straight talker, championed those under her, humble - and gave the glory of her success to God!

The basis of her confident leadership? The extract above is when the commander of her army was scared to go into battle unless she accompanied him. Sternly rebuking him, she points out God has already gone ahead of them to prepare the victory.

Let Deborah speak that truth to us. Whatever we face today or tomorrow GOD IS AHEAD OF US. Our God is not tied to linear time as we are; he is with us now but he is also waiting for us in our tomorrow, providing for everything we need to live in victory, not defeat.

Prayer – We pray for all leaders in your Church, Jesus, that they may be filled with and anointed by your Holy Spirit: brave, wise, knowledgeable, confident, trusted and bringing glory to God.


The Tree On The Hill


The Worm That Ate A Tree