The Power Of Words

James 3:3-5 –

‘When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body it makes great boasts.’

Words have immeasurable power. The universe was created with a word, Jesus healed and cast out demons with his words, influential leaders rise and fall as a result of their words. Words do way more than simply convey information.

In the passage above, James likens the power of the tongue to the power of a ‘bit’ or a rudder. The ‘bit’ allows the rider to control the horse’s movement by controlling its mouth, just like a rudder allows for the safe steering of a ship.

Though small, if the ‘bit’ or the rudder is not controlled appropriately, the entire horse or ship is at risk. Similarly, the tongue is responsible for controlling our words, which shape our identity, our relationships and our actions. If the tongue is not under control, our words may lead to destruction; if we speak bitterly, we become bitter; if we declare that we’re worried, we become worried. If we talk negatively about someone, sooner or later this is how we will end up really feeling about them.

From an early age, whenever I spoke negatively about a situation or a person, my mum would interrupt me saying, ‘UH the power of words’! At the time I never really understood what she meant, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve realised that my words really do have immeasurable power.

Declaring words of LIFE over myself and other people changes things; I have more grace, patience and hope for difficult situations and I set myself apart from those speaking negatively. As Proverbs 18:21 says, ‘the tongue has the power of life or death’.

That said, our sinful nature can get in the way. James 3:8 states that ‘no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison’. In moments of weakness, we snap at our loved ones, write unhelpful texts and speak negative narratives over ourselves. Our words can only be brought under complete control by the Holy Spirit; He is the one who holds the reins to the ‘bit’ and directs the rudder.

Reflect ­­– Research suggests that the average person speaks at least 7,000 words a day and that’s not even including the words we write e.g. in emails or on social media! Reflect on your words. Are you speaking words of life rather than death?

Prayer ­– Holy Spirit, I recognise that I can’t do this without you. Please come and take control of my tongue. Help me to speak words of life. Convict me when I’ve spoken inappropriately. Give me the words to say to show people your love.


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