The Workshop

Isaiah 41:9-10 (NIVUK)—

‘I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’

As a child, I had a book titled You are Special by Max Lucado, the story of a small wooden person, Punchinello, carved by Eli the woodworker. In Punchinello's wooden society, they placed gold stars on the pretty and talented people and black dots on ones with blemishes. Punchinello has many black dots and so tries to stay away from people in case he gets more. Meeting a girl with no spots or stars, he discovers that by visiting Eli, he too could have none. So he visits Eli who knows him by name and tells him how special he is. Eli explains that the secret to a sticker-free life is to believe that what Eli thinks about him is more important than what the wooden society thinks. He tells Punchinello to come every day so that Eli can remind him how much he cares about him. As Punchinello leaves, Eli says, ‘You are special because I made you and I don’t make mistakes.' Punchinello in his heart believes this is true and as he does, a dot falls to the ground.

I am struck by the story's similarities to our world today. The stars and black dots metaphor could apply to many aspects of our society. How often do we need to be reminded that we are chosen, special, and not rejected; that God is with us and that he will strengthen us. What if we could live a lifestyle caring only about what our Heavenly Father thinks of us, believing that we are fearfully and wonderfully designed. As with Punchinello, finding time to spend with your creator can begin this process and we have the opportunity too. Today, find some time to read what God says about you.

Here are a few: Jeremiah 1:5; Philippians 4:13; Joshua 1:9

Prayer – Thank you that I am chosen and not forsaken, that you are with me and that you know me by name. Heavenly Father would you meet me today and continue to reveal yourself to me in new ways.


The Shepherd


The Table