
Matthew 13:7 & 22 (NIV
Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants … The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.

My wife and I have recently started renting an allotment. When we arrived for the viewing, we were led down a path past pristine-looking plots: carefully manicured bushes, trees bursting with ripe fruit and abundant, sweet-smelling flowers. Then we got to the bottom of the path, to our plot … 

Some will recall a Gas Street sermon a while back when Nick Drake spoke about the concept of ‘re-wilding’. Well, ‘re-wilding’ was an understatement in regard to our plot! We quickly got to work ripping out weeds which had taken over, discovered some pre-loved plants from the former owner and started to plant some of our own.

While thinking about the work needed for our plot to look anything like our neighbours, I had a moment of realisation – there is toil in the soil! 

The types of soil we looked at earlier in the week, relate to preparing our hearts ready to be receptive to God’s word. This soil, today, is more focussed on the environment we allow to develop, and the seeds (healthy and unhealthy) that we allow to grow. 

If we do not regularly tend to our soil, spiritually ‘cultivating’ it with time in the Word, time around people of faith, time in prayer and praise, we have a high chance of the things of the world overtaking our ground and choking out the good work the Lord is doing in and through us. 

Are we allowing other things to grow on our ‘patch’, choking out God’s seed?

Though we all face our personal thorns through our lives, there is One who is stronger and much greater – he is our Saviour. Don’t be overwhelmed; there is someone stronger than the thorns! 

Prayer – Jesus, I choose to put my trust and hope in you today regardless of the circumstance I find myself in. By your strength, I will not be overcome. 


The Good Soil

