Travel Light

1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Today the passage is short and so is the reflection.
Use this as a chance to let God speak to you in this area.

We all carry worries/burdens around. They weigh us down, they make our shoulders slump, and slow us down. They reduce our capacity to pick up new things, reduce our capacity to help others with their burdens. 

Max Lucado has written a brilliant book called ‘Travelling light’ that I would really recommend. He walks you through Psalm 23 exploring the things we hold onto too tightly, fear, worry, discontent. He helps you to reflect on the things that for yourself, are the burdens that God is both offering, and desperate, to take off your shoulder.

Reflect on the things in your life that weigh you down and hold you back.

Are there things where exercising forgiveness would let you drop off that suitcase of resentment?

Maybe a satchel full of jealousy that does nothing other than slowing you down?

It might be a rucksack of worry about what is going to happen in the future, which is so heavy it is stopping you from taking steps forward now?

Prayer – Lord God when I feel overwhelmed, when I feel like I am drowning, when it feels like my legs are about to crumble, remind me of this truth. That you are strong enough to bear all the burdens that I carry and more. That you would take them from me with a joyful smile, and you would delight in seeing me freed to live life as you would want me to. 


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