Turn To Jesus

John 6:66-69 –

‘From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. ‘You do not want to leave too, do you?’ Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.’

‘Lee’ was a tiny, fragile figure who had endured a challenging start to life. By the age of 9 bullying had conditioned him to be slow to trust and quick to fear. As we walked together around our estate, he showed me his weapons stashes – metal bars, rusty kitchen knives – in case he ever needed them.

What is your response when you face trouble? Who or what do you turn to?

Peter had given up everything to follow Jesus – leaving his family and his livelihood behind. As Jesus’ popularity grew, I imagine Peter was pretty pleased with his choice. His new friend wowed the crowds with signs and wonders and drew thousands just to hear him speak.

In John 6 there is a turning point. Jesus’ goal was never popularity; he spoke the truth even when it proved hard to accept. The thousands dwindled to hundreds and eventually to tens.

Lee’s response to the challenges life threw at him was a destructive one. When disciple Peter faced a future crisis what would his response be? I think it would be the same as this time: ‘Lord, there is no one else that we can go to! ‘

Peter has weighed up all the options and reached a conclusion. His conclusion is neither comfortable nor based on full understanding, but it is the same conclusion Jesus invites us to make.

Lee moved away years ago but my thoughts wander to him from time to time. My heart grieves at the trauma he faced and his attempts at self-preservation. I don’t know your story or the challenges you have faced over the past year but I do know that we can turn today to the One who speaks life over death and light into darkness.

Prayer Lord, please meet us in our questions, in our confusion, in our fear and in our concern. Where else can we go? May we be slow to fear and quick to trust, for only you have the words of life.


Ask Him To Help


Don’t Give Up!