Uniquely Created By God

Romans 12 v 4 (ESV)

'For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function.’ 

How many of you have got sucked into the rabbit hole of personality tests? I’m embarrassed to think how many times I’ve retaken the Enneagram quiz and Myers-Briggs; and the number of times I’ve made my closest friends take the test – sorry! Isn’t it fascinating how many programs and courses are built around discovering who we are and how our brains are wired?  There is such a clear desire and longing from our wider culture to make sense of ourselves and those around us. We are desperate to find our identity and where we belong. But, as followers of Jesus, we have no need to pursue this chase; we have secure knowledge that God has made us so uniquely and perfectly in his image. 

Paul, speaking to the church in Rome, makes the same point, using the metaphor of the church as a body. How boring and futile it would be if we all had the exact same gifts? We need such an array of diverse gifts and talents within the church body. We need people who are passionate about leading others, gifted musicians, organised events co-ordinators and theological academics. The Church would simply not exist as it is today without the creativity and God-given talents of individuals. 

So, the next time we feel comparison creeping into our lives, we need to remember that God created us exactly as we are for his purpose - to be used in building the Kingdom of God. As the saying goes, ‘Comparison is the thief of joy.’ We will never fully step into what God has for us if we are too busy being distracted by other people's gifts!

Prayer — Father, thank you that you have created us so uniquely and beautifully in your image. Thank you that you have given each of us gifts for building and advancing your Kingdom.


The Last Adam


Community Is Key