Living In Unity

Psalm 133:1  (NIV) 

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity... For there the LORD has bestowed the blessing of life forevermore.” 

I think the Lord sometimes brings people into our lives to help us walk further into our destiny. The connection challenges us, strengthens us, opens up new dreams and desires, shows us different ways of living and allows us to experience new joys of life. While some of these relationships may just be for a moment, given by God for a particular time in our lives, others are enduring. They remind us of who we are, our mission and calling, those things in our lives that go unnoticed by others. 

It's important to recognise the relationships that are marked with unity, as that's where we get to experience "the blessing of life forevermore". We all need to be in relationships where we're not simply tolerated, but honoured and celebrated. 

Today I invite you to recognise the relationships in your life that carry unity at the core. To intentionally spend time with those that celebrate who you are and who you are becoming, who bring wisdom into your life; those who help you live generously and courageously; the ones who even make sacrifices to see you thrive. 

Maybe, in turn, we need to ask the question - 'What am I doing to encourage and strengthen others?' Or perhaps it's - 'What am I doing for others that doesn't directly benefit me?'

As we begin to grow in honour and come together in unity, we will get to see the blessing of God come and rest on us. 

Prayer Lord, help me to live in unity with those around me. To disconnect graciously where it's not possible. To celebrate and champion those around me.




God’s Dream For Friendship