
John 15:5 (ESV) —

‘I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.’

Bringing our week to a close, the final ‘I am’ statement we’ll look at is my favourite one. Jesus says, ‘I am the vine’ and ‘you (his disciples - that’s us) are the branches’ which will ‘bear much fruit’.

So, there’s the Vine, there’s the branches and there’s the fruit - in that order, because each one ‘bears’ the next. Right? 

Well, on one level, yes! It’s linear: Jesus is the hub, the nutrient by which we, the branches, exist and grow. Then, by his nourishment, our branches bear fruit. As we abide in connection with Jesus, the ancient, natural, Eden-flourishing intentions of our Maker are borne out in us. This fruit can look like joy, justice, peace, creativity, and like the perfect outworking of who the Father designed us each to be.

On another level we can view this not as linear, but as cyclical. The line does not end with our fruit! Rather, the fruit bears its seed and makes the vine grow and the vineyard flourish. 

As we live and walk with Jesus, the fruits of his Spirit, borne out in you and me, proclaim his name to the world around us, testifying to his glory. The seed of our fruit is its testament, and where it takes root and grows, God’s Kingdom grows with it.

So, today, as you meet with Jesus in prayer and devotion, anticipate that he will bear fruit through you. Remember that he says, ‘apart from me you can do nothing’. Live not only in hope for the life he's given you, but in the hope of his Kingdom coming through you. Choose to abide in him. The fruit you bear will change the world.

Prayer - Jesus, apart from you I can do nothing. As I meet with you now, and throughout times in my day, thank you that you are preparing the fruit of your Kingdom in me.

Gas Street Devotionals will be taking a summer break, resuming Monday September 4


Hope In Him

