We’re Not Late; We’re On Schedule!

1 Kings 18:46 (NLT) –

‘Then the LORD gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel.

This has probably happened to you before – you’re running to catch a train, you are sprinting across the concourse, covered in sweat and low-key hyperventilating only to get to the platform and the train is still there, and not going anywhere for a few more minutes!  

Sometimes in life we can feel we are constantly behind or late, that we are not where we are supposed to be. Maybe by now you expected to have that house you always dreamed of, or you expected to be in employment; or you don’t seem to have achieved as much as others who started out with you.  Maybe your exams results or promotion opportunities weren’t what you’d hope for. You feel you aren’t where you should be; you’re behind or late. 

But remember the important truth that when you commit your life to God, you are never late. You are in fact on schedule! God has the power to give us the special ability, like he gave Elijah, to reach the destination and goals he has for us, no matter how far behind we think we may be.

It says in 2 Peter 3:9 ‘God is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.’ We are also told that, though his vision takes time to accomplish, it won’t delay for ever. (Habakkuk 2:3) So we should wait patiently because God has ‘appointed times’ for our lives. If we are in fact ‘on time’, what is there to worry about? We can take our time to the train, even grab a coffee on the way because the train is still at the platform!

Prayer – Lord thank you that with you it is never too late, that you are all-knowing and faithful. Lord help me to be patient; grant me special ability to get to where you want me to be today and in the future.


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