What’s In A Word: Steadfast

Psalm 136:1 (ESV) —

‘Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.’

I haven’t got into Wordle. I do love words and also enjoy a puzzle but I resisted getting the app because I am far too easily led into distracting activities. But, in a world of speed-reading and fast-finishing, I do like the principle of slowing down, reading slowly and focusing in on just one word. So, that’s what we are going to do this week – take one word each day, that features with significance in the Bible, and press into it just that little bit more than we might normally do.

Today’s word is steadfast. Apparently, ‘steadfast love’ is mentioned 196 times in the Old Testament, 127 times in the Psalms alone, which is the book that is giving us our focus for today. It’s not a word that I use very often in my everyday life, which is why I was drawn to its repeated use in the book of Psalms. I wondered as I read the Psalms, why David is drawn to this word? What is it about the concept of steadfastness that we need to know and appreciate when we consider the love of God?

Well, the word steadfast takes the concept of faithful love to a deeper level – David is purposefully emphasising the fact that the love and commitment that we can expect to receive from Father God is like no other. Resolute, unswerving, dutifully firm, not easily swayed, persevering, loyal, immoveable, unshakeable, love. Steadfast.

When everything around us falters, when life feels insecure, when people let us down, there is one thing that always remains – the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. We can rely on it day, after day, after day.

 Prayer - Father, thank you that your love for me is like no other. Thank you that your steadfast love will follow me all the days of my life. I pray that I would know your steadfast love in a new way today.


What's In A Word: Immediately


Salvation Time!