Where Does My Help Come From?

Psalm 121: 1-2 (NIV) —

‘I lift up my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.’

I used to compete in open water swimming competitions as a child. Most people imagine open water swimming taking place in nice flat lakes. However, my swimming competitions were on the beaches of North Devon. That meant I had to try my best to swim well but also to develop nerves of steel in the face of crashing waves, riptides and rogue surfers.

I remember taking part in a swimming race at age 9 or 10 on a stormy day where the waves were particularly large and the rain was making it hard to see through my goggles. Part way around the course I was finding it hard to know where I was, and repeatedly getting wiped out by waves. Panic started to creep in, I couldn’t work out where I was and I was exhausted. I remember feeling helpless and unsure how I was going to get out of the situation. Thankfully, out of the gloom came one of the many support lifeboats which took me safely back to shore, but I’ll never forget that moment of feeling like I had no options.

The first verse of Psalm 121 sums up this feeling well. ‘I lift my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?’ I think we have all at times felt like we have no idea who or what is going to help us through a situation. Moments that feel directionless and desperate. Thankfully, verse 2 reminds us that it is God ‘the Maker of heaven and Earth’ who is our rescuer. It’s a simple but powerful truth to remember.

So, today, let’s hold on to verse 2 and remember that when it feels like there is no way out of what we’re going through, God is and will always be our lifeboat, our support and our safe passage back to shore.

Prayer - God, you are the maker of heaven and Earth, you are my constant help and you are my faithful rescuer. I choose to put my trust in you again today.


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