Which Cup?

Psalm 23:5 (NIV)

My Cup Overflows

A few weeks ago, I had an unfortunate incident in a toilet at Euston Station; I did what I needed to do and hit flush. Evidently, the shut-off valve was broken, and, well… let’s just say, 'my cup overflowed.

Excuse the disgusting picture, but I share it because I find verse 5 of Psalm 23 difficult to reconcile with the others which speak of the nature of God as our shepherd, what he does, has done, and promises to do. This verse 'My Cup Overflows' is a direct statement about our current reality, a statement of abundance of blessing here and now.

Do you feel your life is overflowing with blessings? Your relationships? Your bank account? Your career prospects? Or does it feel half empty? Perhaps it feels more like my toilet at Euston… Overflowing with something other than blessing!

As I've contemplated this verse, my mind has wandered to another shepherd, sheep, and a cup… 2000 years after David's song, Jesus, the good shepherd, held a cup and said, 'This is the cup of the new covenant, my blood poured out for the forgiveness of sins,' and handed it to his sheep, the disciples. 

The cup that overflows.

It abounds in mercy, brims over with grace, enough to forgive wrongs, protect us from imminent danger and provide for our ultimate deliverance. 

This cup never runs out: it is sufficient to forgive the sins of everyone, everywhere, past, present, and future.

And it has been given to you and me.

Today, we can complain about what we lack in our lives, or we can focus on what we have in abundance and be filled with gratitude. 

Prayer: Help me focus today on your abundant grace and mercy and know that whatever happens in my life, your cup of salvation will still overflow.


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