Who Or What Influences You?

Ezekiel 34:2,3 (NIV)

This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. 

Recently, Jasper, our two-year-old, started watching a new TV programme. It was fun, engaging and educational so we were happy. Over time, however, we noticed a clear link between the amount of this programme he watched and poor behaviour. We eventually stopped him watching it and his behaviour immediately improved. On further research, we found other parents were questioning the programmers' motives in creating something with addictive traits. 

The world is full of things and people seeking influence over us. We need to ask ourselves some important questions. Does this influence really contribute to my flourishing? What are the motives behind the thing I’m giving my attention to? Does this influencer have my best interests as a #1 priority, or the growth of their own platform?

This week we are focussing on Ezekiel 34: the nature of shepherds and their flocks. For Israel, the image of a shepherd and flock was similar to today's influencer and followers. The shepherd analogy depicted anyone with authority or influence over people. 

A true and caring shepherd ensures a safe place for their flock to flourish. Of course, a shepherd would live off the products of the flock, but fundamentally he lives for the flock. 

Ezekiel’s prophecy is most likely a warning to the people of Israel about the prevailing influence of their rulers. The people didn’t know until it was nearly too late that they were following leaders who didn't have their best interests at heart. Everyone who leads, everyone who influences, has a motive. Ezekiel's warning for us is clear – be careful who you follow! 

We all follow. We are all being formed by external pressures. It is as true for us as it was for Israel. Indeed, today, we are exposed to infinitely more than the Israelites were. No matter who you are, people and things influence you and they shape who you become. Today's question – who are we following?  

Prayer — Jesus, reveal to me the things or people that might be forming me in a way that isn’t in line with your plan for my life. Help me to block my exposure to the influencers that have selfish motives.


Following Together


Human Praise