Wonderful Counsellor

Jeremiah 29:12-13 (ESV) —

‘Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.’

Have you got a friend who loves to talk? Well, if you know me, I can honestly say that I am that person! I need to process my thoughts out loud and often talk throughout my day about what I am thinking and feeling or doing. In my time of talking, I have met with a lot of different types of 'listeners' and I've learnt what a skill listening is.

At primary school, I was given the role of 'peer mediator' and in that role I was taught how to be a good listener: this included making eye contact, having open body language, making reassuring noises and being able to repeat back what the person just said to clarify that I was paying attention.

It is a gift to be a good listener, but many people have so much going on in their lives, they are not able to give quality time to listen well. When Jesus is called 'Wonderful Counsellor ' it basically means he is a great listener - in fact the greatest listener ever! He has the energy and patience to give you the time to say what you need to, whether that is good or bad. He is not only willing but desires to listen to you! Moreover, he is ready to bring comfort, help and give the best guidance and wisdom for what you are going through.

During this Christmas, whatever that looks like for you, don't miss out on the One who wants to listen to you. Remember to enjoy spending time with Jesus in prayer and let him know how you are doing because he is interested and is ready to listen. And don't forget, the conversation with Jesus goes both ways - try listening for what he wants to tell you as well!

Prayer - Lord, thank you for always being available and ready to listen. This Christmas let me share with you all that is going on and put you at the centre of this season. Help me to listen to you, too.


Mighty God


And He Shall Be Called