Wrestling Is A Form Of Intimacy

Genesis 32:27, 28, 30 –

The man asked him, ‘What is your name?’

‘Jacob,’ he answered.

Then the man said, ‘Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel,[f] because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome’……….

So Jacob called the place Peniel,[g] saying, ‘It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.’ 

For many years I was afraid to be honest with God. I believed a caricature of him where he was angry with me and the extent of his kindness was that he didn’t send lightning bolts down to smite me every time I had a naughty thought. This made him somewhat unapproachable. I didn't dare bother him with my fears and frustrations lest he finally lose patience and release a bolt. Thankfully, over time, God has shown me his true colours which are kindness, love and patience.     

During the first lockdown someone tried to pick a fight with me in Morrisons car park (you’re dying to know the details, aren't you?). He was much bigger than me so, as it escalated, I figured that my best way to avoid a punch-up was to highlight to him that fighting would be breaking social distance regulations.

A few days later I was reading Genesis 32:22-32 and this incident completely changed how I read this passage. Jacob had messed up; he had been deceitful and disobedient. He sits alone at a campfire riddled with fear and insecurities. Then God appears as ‘a man’ and wrestles him. But get this...God picks the fight! However, I don’t think it was one of aggression but of playful invitation. Like a joyful father and his son play-wrestling.

Wrestling is a form of intimacy. I figured that wrestling a guy in Morrisons  was illegal under lockdown laws because it requires close proximity. You need to get close to wrestle. I think struggling with God, rather than pushing him away, actually draws him closer in. God is not offended by the questions of doubt we wrestle with; on the contrary he welcomes them

You can just imagine Jacob and God in human form, caught in a headlock, face to face, skin on skin. Awkward yet close. Messy but necessary. God wants to know Jacob’s doubts and fears. And afterwards he wants to show his provision and blessing. 

Could it be that God is inviting you to wrestle with him today? To throw a few punches and tell him your frustrations. In the process your intimacy will grow and over time you’ll see his kindness and blessing.

Prayer God, I’m frustrated because (insert here) and I feel (insert here). Please show me who you are and what you’re doing.


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