John 14:1-14
Be Still: I pause to remember, Lord, you are here with me. As I draw close to you, draw close to me. Holy Spirit, inspire me follow you in the way of Jesus, bringing glory to you, my Father in Heaven.
Read: John 14:1-14
Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and that the Father is in me? (vv 9,10)
Encounter: As I write this in a cafe, there is a person sitting next to me with a tattoo on their arm saying, Don’t Stop believing. It reminds me of the famous song by the same name, written by the rock band, Journey, and was a top-10 worldwide hit in 1981. Do you know it?
That led me to think, what is one thing that we should never stop believing as Christians? One of the most foundational aspects of our faith is the Trinity: God is one being and three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
In John 14, Jesus touches on the unique triune nature of God. When we look to Jesus, we are looking at the Father. At the Council of Nicaea, in 325AD, the early church came to the understanding that Jesus was of the same substance as the Father. In the Latin the term is, homoousios meaning ‘same substance.' Essentially, Jesus is God.
Apply: What does Jesus and the Father being homoousios mean for me? For one thing, I can know God the Father fully by looking at Jesus, his life, and his teachings. Everything Jesus did revealed who the Father was. This knowledge also moulds how I worship him. Both my praise and my prayers can be offered directly to Jesus. As he says in the passage, anything we ask for in his name, he will do it.
Devote: Jesus, I believe in you. Help me to not stop believing! You are the way, the truth and the life and exist perfectly as three in one. Thank you, God, for revealing yourself to me in Jesus.