John 19:1-16

Be Still: Lord, open my eyes to see you and make your Word alive in me today. Amen

Read: John 19:1-16

When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, ‘Here is the man!’ (v5) 

Encounter: This week we are looking at John's account of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Today's reading describes the second time Jesus appears before Pilate. Previously (John 18), we have read that Pilate found no fault in Jesus and yet in verse 1 of chapter 19 we find that he had Jesus flogged. According to Roman tradition, the whip used to flog Jesus would have had several leather strands, with pieces of metal and bone attached to the ends. Brutal. Jesus is then presented before the crowd, wearing a crown of thorns and a purple robe.

Purple was a symbol of royalty and the soldiers placing it on him along with the thorny crown were mocking his claim to be King. Pilate presents Jesus to the crowd as a humiliated, mocked, beaten and physically broken man who has claimed to be king. He's showing the crowd that no earthly King would ever be humiliated like this. 

'Here is the man!’ he exclaims.

This declaration and presentation to the crowd is much more significant than it appears. If we look deeper with eyes of faith, we recognise that Pilate, albeit unawares he was doing so, was declaring: ‘Here is the man, the Son of God, fully human, fully God. Here stands a man is willing to die on behalf of you and me. Here stands the true King! Not a king who has won through wars, but a king who will shed his blood for us to buy our freedom! What a privilege to know that here stands Jesus ready to suffer and die for us. There is an invitation to recognise Jesus for who he really is, to take a deeper look at the significance of the resurrection for us, individually.

Apply: Reflect on the person of Jesus. Who he is and what he accomplished. How do you view your life in the light of his sacrifice?

Devote: Lord, thank you for sacrifice. As we gaze on you, the Suffering Servant, today, please meet us where we are.


John 18:28-40