John 18:28-40

Be Still: Lord, help me to be still before you. Help me to listen. Help me to receive. I ask that you transform my heart and my mind as I choose to spend this moment with you today. Amen.

Read: John 18:28-40

Jesus said, 'My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.' (v36)

Encounter: When Jesus stood before Pilate, facing an unfair trial, he made it clear that his kingdom was not a political one; it was and is not of this world. If it were, his followers would be fighting to rescue him. It might be obvious to us, but Jesus' mission wasn't about political control or overthrowing Rome but about bringing salvation and establishing a kingdom that would last forever.

We can so easily get caught up in things like politics, financial security, personal success, and recognition. Building our little kingdoms. We stress about things that, in the broad view of eternity, won't matter. Jesus reminds us that our true citizenship isn't here. We belong to his kingdom, which isn't built on power and control but which operates by different values: humility over pride, service over power, and love over self-interest.

While our little kingdoms and human powers rise and fall, Jesus' reign is eternal. When we feel overwhelmed by the state of the world, we must remember that our ultimate hope is in Christ, not in earthly systems.

Apply: How different our day would be if we truly lived with kingdom values! Imagine approaching every conversation, decision, and challenge with an eternal perspective. To keep this at the forefront of your mind, consider placing a visual reminder—on your phone, laptop, or desk—that encourages you to stay focused on God’s kingdom throughout the day.

Devote: Lord, thank you that your kingdom is unshakable. Help me to live as a citizen of heaven, focusing on what truly matters. Keep my heart set on you and give me the strength to represent your kingdom in my daily life.


John 18:12-27