A God That Sees Us

Isaiah 49 v15 (NLT)

‘Yet Jerusalem says, ‘The Lord has deserted us; the Lord has forgotten us.’

‘Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne?

But even if it were possible, I would not forget you’

It always blows me away how besotted parents are with their newborn baby. So many times, as a midwife I see how impossible it is for a parent to keep their eyes off their newborn baby. Mothers are known to not sleep because they have spent all night looking at their babies. The love that they have is overwhelming and all consuming. 

Isaiah reminds us again that our God sees us and will never forget us. We are not forgotten, nor are we invisible to God. God knows us by name and knows what we are facing in our daily lives. 

I don’t know what situation you may be going through today that's making you feel invisible or overlooked but I want to remind you that you are seen, and you are known. We can have the assurance that God is with us. He is our Emmanuel; there is nowhere we can flee and hide from his presence. 

In any dark valleys, he will walk with us. He will never fail nor forsake us. 

In Genesis 16 v13 we meet Hagar who was an Egyptian servant working for Abraham's wife, Sarah. Sarah was barren and decided to have a child by asking Hagar to sleep with husband. When Hagar fell pregnant, Sarah mistreated her until she ran away. At her lowest point, where she was alone and full of pain, Hagar had the revelation that God still saw her. She goes on to declare You are the God who sees me,’ and she experiences his good provision for her life.

God is never unaware of what is going on. We are not invisible to him. He knows what you are going through today and what you are facing tomorrow. So let us remain encouraged today that he sees us. 

Prayer — Lord, I thank you today that you are the God who sees me. No matter how invisible I may feel, I know that I am not invisible to you. I thank you that I am not forgotten. I thank you that I am known. Help me to stand in this revelation that you see me, know me and love me.


Genuine Love


A God That Hears Us