A God That Hears Us

Isaiah 65v24 (NLT)

I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers.

I love how this verse describes God’s nature and character. He is a God that not only hears us but knows the desires of our heart so well that while we are still speaking, he hears. He knows what we will ask for before we ask. 

Today I want to remind you to grasp hold of this aspect of God. I know that like me, you may sometimes be discouraged when you find some prayers not yet answered. It does not mean that God does not hear you. The Bible tells us that he does hear us, so he hears you. 

I truly believe that God not only hears our prayers but desires to respond to them and any delay that you may be encountering does not mean denial. He does not have a big ‘DENIED’ stamp even though at times it may feel he does. Our God is not one who ignores us. His timing over answering our requests will always be perfect. If he does say 'no' it is because he has a more perfect way for us.

I love the parable of The Persistent Widow found in Luke 18 v 1-8. It's the one Jesus told his disciples to teach them that they should always pray and never give up. He tells the story of a widow who so persistently went to a judge with a request that the judge eventually said: '..because this widow won't quit badgering me, I'd better do something and see that she gets justice.' (The MSG) We can imagine Jesus's hearers smiling at this - but hopefully taking his point.

This year let us adopt the tenacity of this persistent widow and be bold in approaching God over and over again with our requests. Our prayers are going to disrupt outcomes and move things in the spiritual realm. 

Matthew 7v7 says: Don’t bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn’t a cat-and-mouse hide-and-seek game we are in’ (The MSG)

He hears us, let us be bold and ask. 

Prayer — Dear God, I thank you that you are a God that hears our prayers. Give us the tenacity and boldness to pray prayers that will disrupt outcomes and move things in the spiritual realm.


A God That Sees Us


A God That Provides For Us