A Guide For Life

Exodus 13:21 (NLT) —

‘The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and he provided light at night with a pillar of fire. This allowed them to travel by day or by night.’

Almost three years ago I was living in the US for my gap year but had to swiftly return home because of COVID. It felt as though I was thrown into a season of transition that I wasn’t prepared for. My plans had completely changed and my dreams of studying at ministry school in the States quickly came to an end. This season was hard to say the least and it took me a lot of time to process.

Three years on, I am regularly in awe of how God has guided me through life. I would never have guessed back in 2020 that God would bring me to Birmingham and bless me with a community that I am very grateful for today. He has orchestrated my life so beautifully but I didn't know this would be the case three years ago. Today’s scripture is a reminder that even when we don’t know where we are going in life, we can rest assured that we have a guide who is always with us, lighting the path before us.

I particularly love in this scripture how the cloud and fire allowed the Israelites to travel by day or by night. Even when darkness hovered and it perhaps felt like they couldn't see where they were going, the Lord guided them with fire as a light for them to follow. How encouraging this is for us! Thank goodness we do not have to know or even see the route but simply know that we have a God whom we can fully rely and lean on. The cloud and fire were a promise of God’s presence. Jesus' promise: 'I am with you always' (Matt.28:20) is assurance for today.

Be encouraged - the Lord is guiding you!

Prayer: Lord help us to trust and rely on you through every season of our lives.


There’s A Table


Sufficient For Today