There’s A Table

Psalm 23:5 (NLT) —

‘You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honour me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.’

Life with Christ is full of beauty and wonder; however, it is not a life without pain or suffering and we read in John 16:33 'In this world you will have trouble.' In life we meet enemies and they may look like sickness, family pain, injustice and many other things. In the midst of our conflict (internal or external) the Lord lays a wonderful banquet right in front of us.

Imagine yourself standing amidst your enemies, surrounded by doubts, fears, and adversities. Yet, in the face of these overwhelming circumstances, God prepares a table before you. He spreads a feast in the very presence of those things that seek to harm you. It is a powerful image of God's provision and assurance that no matter what we face, he will sustain us.

Another key message for me is that God doesn’t promise to minimise our enemies but instead he promises a feast. This means that despite what we are surrounded by, we can rest assured that we are with a God who holds it all and we can be dependent on him. It’s not only about what we feast on but also the one who sits with us as we feast.

The fact he prepares the table for us suggests that the battle is not ours in the first place but that it belongs to him. The word ‘prepare’ demonstrates his care and provision even in the most unlikely circumstances. It demonstrates the power of God. It suggests that it’s done intentionally and with care. Be at peace, the Lord has prepared a table and he will deal with our enemies - he will fight for us (Exodus 14:14).

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your honesty and your promise in John 16:33: 'I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.


Crazy Love


A Guide For Life