Am I Being Unreasonable?

Philippians 4:5-6 (ESV) 

Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 

As a pastor’s kid, I grew up going to church multiple times a week. From Sunday school to small groups, we spent our free time in and around church activities. And yet, I never heard anyone talk about this concept of ‘reasonableness’. Having a good answer for why I am a Christian, sure – but reasonableness? What could this mean? 

The Amplified Bible translates the phrase: 'Let your gentle spirit (your graciousness, unselfishness, mercy, tolerance and patience) be known to all people'. When we look around us, the world seems to be full of unreasonableness. Perhaps that’s why Paul encourages the believers in Philippi to make their reasonableness known to everyone. In a society that can feel like people are driven only by their own desires or fears, reasonableness/graciousness can be easily spotted by others. Is this graciousness a marker of your life with Christ – or have fears or distractions begun creeping in?

‘Do not be anxious about anything.’ Interestingly, even Paul says that he is sending a messenger to the Philippians so ‘that I may be less anxious’ (Philippians 2:28). Yes, you read that right; Paul was anxious. To some extent, experiencing worry or fear is part of life. It can distract us and become out of control, driving us away from reasonableness. This may be why Paul reminds us to do ‘everything by prayer’. When something burdens our spirits, when we are anxious, our first step should be prayer partnered with thanksgiving – and then taking action (and sometimes this may include seeking help).

As we will see in the next verse tomorrow, this prayer and supplication with thanksgiving to God can result in a greater relationship with Christ and our own tangible peace.

Prayer - Dear God, I want to know you more. Thank you for all that you are doing around me. Help me to remain focused on you, even when I am afraid. 


Protective Peace


Rejoice In The Lord