Protective Peace

Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Halfway between Gas Street Central and Gas Street St Luke’s, there is a small, solemn public park. It was built on the remains of an old church that was bombed during World War II. In 1995, this park was created and named the Peace Garden to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the war. Is this what we think of when we hear peace – an absence of violence? It’s certainly a good start. But what about the peace of God? Doesn't that sound incredible?

In this verse, Paul explains that the peace from God flows from prayer and creates protection for our hearts. When we are perplexed or distressed, we usually seek direction and support. Prayer is how we can offer up our desires, our questions, our pleas, our concerns, our thanks to God – knowing that peace is his to give, ours to receive.

But from what do our hearts and minds need to be guarded in Christ Jesus? And what does it look like for the God of peace to be with someone? It may look counter-cultural when we make decisions that seem odd to those who aren't following Christ because our focus is on him, not on the world's values. It may look like repeatedly bringing our fears to the Lord and leaving them at his feet - again! It may look like choosing gratitude each day. This heaven-sent peace will keep our hearts and minds secure in and through Jesus. Paul reminds the Philippians that they (and we) are guarded not by soldiers in a military post, as Philippi was, but by a God who rules over creation and who brings peace. 

Prayer -
Dear God, I desire to know you – to find my peace and my strength in you. Please empower me to daily seek and love you.


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