At First

John 12:16 (NKJV)

His disciples did not understand these things at first; but when Jesus was glorified, they remembered that these things were written about him and that they had done these things to him.

Isn’t it great to know that whenever we feel slightly foolish or oblivious, we can just look at the disciples and instantly feel better!

This verse is attached to the description of the ‘Triumphal Entry’, the story we remember on Palm Sunday, and the writer has just quoted prophecies from the Old Testament that were being fulfilled in that moment. To the reader, this link may be quite obvious, as we have a side-by-side Old/New Testament comparison. Yet, to the disciples, the connection is not apparent until after Jesus has ascended to Heaven, despite having the relevant scriptures and being present for the live event. And this is not an isolated occurrence – see John 2:22 and 20:9.

It is so easy to miss the connections in the Maker’s perfectly orchestrated plans. When meeting people who are new to our church, it can be beautifully revealing to ask for their story of how they ended up in Birmingham. So often it involves strange coincidences, unrelated encounters and unusual choices that have all subtly contributed to an unexpected route to the West Midlands. And yet, in retrospect, there's often an obvious, but overlooked, indicator that pointed forward to where they are now.

The disciples’ momentary confusion and delayed realisation is comforting to us, as it demonstrates that it’s OK to not know how things fit together and we can trust in God’s sovereignty, that it is he who is assembling the pieces.

But that’s not all. Jesus being ‘glorified’ wasn’t just when he left the disciples; it was also in the coming of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7). When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, he revealed how prophecies of the past pointed to Jesus as Christ (John 14:26). And we have that same Spirit in us today.

Prayer — Father, thank you that we can find peace in not knowing; help us to trust you for the future. Holy Spirit, reveal to us how things in our life are connected and where they point to Jesus.


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