At My Worst, I’m The Best

Luke 7:24 & 28 (NIV) —

‘After John’s messengers left, Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John….  'I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John. '

What do you think God thinks of you?

Take a moment and really think about your answer to that question.

Is God a judge with a gavel in hand waiting to sentence you? A mono-browed librarian waiting to shush you? Or a father waiting to embrace you?

This week we have been looking at the lowest moment in John the Baptist's life. In a difficult situation he begins to doubt Jesus' divine identity and sends word to ask him if he really is the promised one.

After John’s messengers left, Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: ' I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John… ' paraphrase ‘John is the best’.

I would have understood  if Jesus made this statement about John when he was discerning in the womb or declaring in the wilderness (see Monday's devotionals for context) but he doesn’t; he reserves these remarks for when John is doubting in his prison.

At John's worst, Jesus called him 'the best.' He doesn’t condemn him; he boasts about him.

He boasts about you too. You are the 'apple of his eye', his beloved child, the source of his joy. Even if you feel like you are in the lowest moment of your life, God's disposition toward you is unchanging - he boasts about you.

Prayer - God I will never understand why, but I trust that I am your delight. May I sense your boasting over me today.


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