It’s A New Day!

Tendi works for Gas Street in the Operations department.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV) —

‘The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.

His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.

great is your faithfulness.’

Spring is my favourite season: the days get longer, the nights get lighter and generally the weather gets warmer, although spring 2023 has somehow missed the warm weather memo and this year we have our fair share of very grey days. The best thing about grey days, however, is that sometimes we get the most stunning sunsets in the evening. They may seem insignificant but for me they serve as a small reminder that better weather is on the way.

The poems in Lamentations were probably written by the prophet Jeremiah at a time when there was a period of national mourning for the fall and destruction of the city of Jerusalem. The poet writes voicing his despair and yet in the middle of this rather bleak book, we find these words in Lamentations 3:21: 'Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope.' The poet's tone changes from despair to hope. He doesn’t dismiss the despair of the situation yet in midst of hardship and pain he remembers the Lord, the Lord who has unfailing and unwavering love towards him. The remembering in this verse does not seem like a passive act but a very active act to call to mind who the Lord is.

You may be facing hardship or facing a particularly difficult week at work. Actively call to mind that the Lord is with you, his mercies are never ending, and every morning is a fresh invitation to receive and be refilled with God's love.

Prayer - Father, thank you that your mercies are new every morning. Thank you that every day is a fresh invitation to receive your love.


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