Bandaged Wounds

Psalm 147:3 (The Message)

‘[God] heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds.’

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NLT)

‘Two people are better off than one. For they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.’

It is fascinating that the Scriptures declare ‘he bandages their wounds’ rather than 'he removes their wounds.' Whilst we are aware that some individuals get to experience a miracle (where they are dramatically instantly healed), most of us continue to sport injuries and battle with ailments and wounds, and we love that Jesus wants us to know that he recognises the pain we suffer and that he wants to clearly acknowledge the injuries we have received. By applying a bandage, he says, 'I see you; let me help you heal. Let me cover those wounds and support you as you navigate life.'

As Christians, we are sadly often made to feel guilty for pointing to our pain and saying, 'Help me, I'm drowning.’ But Jesus wants us all to know that it's okay to admit to being human; it's okay to say this walk is hard and painful; in fact, when we do this, we give others the freedom to say, 'I’m hurting too'.

The first step is to admit we have wounds. Next, we need to be honest with Jesus about how these afflictions affect us. Remember, he already knows, but he never forces us to admit our pain; he gently and patiently waits for us to bring them to him. We then need to ask Jesus to bandage the wound and heal our suffering. 

Lastly, taking Ecclesiastes' advice: be honest with one or two trusted individuals so that they can walk this path with you. 

Prayer – Lord, help us be honest about our wounds and remind us to bring the pain to you. Teach us who in our lives are the people we should be open with, so they can help us carry our burdens and lighten the weight.


Seasons of Mess


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