Healthy Soil

Proverbs 12:26, Proverbs 22:24-25, Proverbs 13:20 (NIV)

‘The righteous choose their friends carefully...

Do not associate with one easily angered...

Walk with the wise and become wise...’

There is a farming saying, 'Well sown is half grown', which can also apply to our lives. If we plant seeds of truth, hope, and wisdom into our lives in healthy, enriched soil, we can be sure of a good crop return. On the flip side, if we try to bury seeds into pebbly, uncared-for ground, we may reap little or no rewards.

So how do we ensure we have healthy soil that will help grow the seeds we have planted? Our tips would be:

1. Be aware of the people you spend time with, as they can either nourish you or deplete you. The Bible tells us to be careful as we will become like the people we spend the most time with. Have you ever stored a loaf of bread next to a packet of hot cross buns? Within 24-hours, every slice of bread tastes like cinnamon; the buns have changed the bread! This is how the people we hang around with can affect us, so we need to make sure we are being influenced in the right way.

2. Spend quality time with Jesus. We used to think that this meant only doing Bible studies, regular prayer-time or fasting, but there are many extra ways you can spend time with your Father. Going on walks or runs with headphones, listening to inspiring podcasts; sitting doing crafts (or just sitting!) whilst soaking in Christian music - those are just a couple of examples. Anything that allows your heart to connect with the Father's heart is time well spent.

3. Know your Bible. Follow God's instructions under the guidance of his Holy Spirit: steward your possessions, look after the broken-hearted, be a good neighbour, use your God-given gifts. The guidance we have been given in the Bible is to help us on our life- journey, and the more we follow it, the better our lives are and the more glorifying of Jesus.

Prayer – Jesus help us to cultivate healthy soil that nourishes us and those around us. Guide us to spend time with those that will encourage us and inspire us by your Holy Spirit to live well. Please whisper in our ear if we are journeying on paths that could cause us harm. 


Bandaged Wounds


Easter Saturday