Be Like The Birds

Matthew 6:34 (ESV)

‘Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.’

One of the nicer things to come out of lockdown has been slow mornings. I have lots of time these days to take my bright yellow breakfast bowl and cup of coffee to my window seat and stare outside, waking up slowly. The last week has been gloriously bright and I’ve noticed something else that’s warmed my heart - birdsong. I was thinking this morning how nice it would be to be a bird. They seem so free and full of joy, not a care in the world, not to mention that flying is probably great fun. They don’t mind that shops are shut. They’re not worried about blank calendars or empty social schedules. They’re not concerned about what’s to come, unlike me. It’s not rare for me to spend much of my time planning, scheduling and looking forward to the next steps. Anticipating the future can be a way of coping with a busy, challenging or even boring present. Well, nothing like a long lockdown to take away that strategy, leading me often to feel quite disappointed and aimless. Oh, to be a bird. 

But then I remember, the same God who is taking care of them is taking care of me. Jesus actually points to these little creatures as excellent examples of living in the present and trusting our creator. They don’t plan, schedule or save and yet daily they are fed. They sing their songs of praise cheerfully and without the burden of worry. Jesus invites me to live with the same trust that they demonstrate. I have little control over tomorrow; in fact, no guarantee that I will even make it there. What I do have is a God who is with me and promises to care for me daily. I just need to be like the birds.  

Prayer: Lord, help me daily to trust in you. When I am tempted to worry about the future, remind me that I am of far greater value than the sparrows, and as you look after them, you will look after me. Show me how to dwell in the present, leaving tomorrow to take care of itself. 


Hiding His Face To Attend To Our Needs

