Bearing Witness

2 Cor 4:8-10 (NRSV)

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies. 

This week I would like to explore a topic which is particularly challenging to me. I would like us to think about martyrdom and suffering for the sake of Jesus.

Within the church’s history the term 'martyr', coming from the Greek μάρτυς, has a fluid definition. Although today we use the word to mean ‘one who dies for the Gospel’, it originally meant ‘one who bears witness to the resurrection’ and then shifted to ‘one who suffers for the Gospel’. The earliest uses of the word martyr refer to someone who remembers and tells: μάρτυς is used in the New Testament both to denote those in legal cases who are witness to a true event (1 Timothy 5:19) and also those who are witness to the truth of the resurrection as Good News (Luke 24:48).  We see this in Luke’s account of Paul’s words, " will be his 'martyrs' to the world of what you have seen and heard" (Acts 22:15). As an increasing number of men and women were killed for witnessing to the salvation they had found in Jesus, the term ‘martyr’ came to mean ‘one who dies for the Gospel’.

The political and religious climate of the early church meant that witnessing to the Good News meant suffering and possibly death. In our passage today we can see that for Paul there is a clear link between witnessing and suffering.

Where are the areas of your life where it feels difficult to witness to Jesus? Although we may not be threatened with death or physical suffering, there are places where witnessing to Jesus’ death and resurrection is costly. Where do you hold back and remain silent out of fear? Offer this to Jesus today, asking for the Spirit’s courage and wisdom to speak truth in Jesus' name.

Prayer Dear Jesus, who suffered death for our sake, send your Spirit to strengthen us in our conviction of your love and your call to share the news of the resurrection. Help us in our fear and strengthen us for your glory.




The Promise