The Promise

Luke 24:49

'Remain in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.'

Can we talk briefly about something that doesn’t get nearly enough air-time? By that I of course mean battery shopping. It’s stressful. 

Firstly, there are so many brands to choose from. Secondly, they are so expensive! Thirdly, since when were there so many types of battery? I’m familiar with all the A’s (double and triple) and the trusty 9v but coin cell / silver flat pack / C and D… what appliances are using these rogue options?

The real kicker to battery shopping is that it is essential. Your battery powered appliances, though designed with purpose, are useless without power. 

The same is true for us. 

God created us and called us to incredible purposes, and yet without power, we will never achieve them. 

We can live much of our lives seeking out power from various sources; finances, relationships, politics, career… the problem is all these forms of power are man-made and our purpose is God-given. Seeking earthly power for a heavenly purpose is like putting a triple A in a double A slot. It just doesn’t work. Takeaway truth: God-given purpose requires God-given power. 

And that is exactly what this week has been about. We believe God is ready and willing to pour out that power upon us. In fact the Bible says we just have to ask for it (See Matt 7:11). 

But this isn’t just about a week. This isn’t just about a year. This is about our lives as followers of Jesus. We constantly need to be ‘clothed with the power from on high’ and that comes by hearing and heeding Jesus' instruction:


Remain (assume the posture ready to receive) in the city (recognise God wants to meet you right where you are), until (be prepared to persevere) you are clothed (receive his identity and authority) with power from on high. (God-given for God's good purposes.)

Prayer: Please come, Holy Spirit.


Bearing Witness


The Provision