Before The Throne Of God Above

Bethan is a Kids Pastor and community worker in Erdington

Isaiah 49:14-16 (NLT) —

‘Yet Jerusalem says, 'The Lord has deserted us, the Lord has forgotten us. Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.’

This week I'm taking inspiration from some of the most well-known congregational hymns of the last 200 years. I don’t know what your perception of traditional hymns is. Perhaps you associate them with uncomfortable pews, or with funerals and weddings? Perhaps you enjoy a rousing chorus of a traditional hymn in a time of contemporary worship. But would these moments be a nostalgic rather than a permanent addition to your worship resources? I’ve come to appreciate the depth and beauty, not to mention the historical value of traditional hymns to the church. How incredible is it that when we sing them, we are joining in and adding to the worship of countless generations of believers over hundreds of years?

Each day I’m going to take a well-known hymn and use it as inspiration for what I’m praying will be a deeper revelation of God’s Spirit, intimacy, sovereignty, peace, and abiding love.

Let’s start with my favourite hymn (I taught myself this melody on the recorder at age 7). The original words of ‘Before the Throne of God Above’ were written by Charitie Lees Bancroft in 1863. Most people may be familiar with the modern version arranged by Vikki Cook in the late 90s; however, the words remain the same.

These lines stand out: ‘My name is written on his hands; my name is graven on His heart. I know that while in heav’n he stands, no tongue can bid me thence depart.’

These words were inspired by Isaiah 49:14-19 and are a picture of the intimacy we get to experience with our Father through Jesus. Imagine being so special to someone that it is as if they have chiselled your name on their heart! Well, you don’t have to imagine it because it is the truth of God’s heart for us. What a reminder to start the week.

Google the lyrics (and listen on YouTube) to 'Before the Throne of God Above.' As you take in the words and melodies, ask God to fill you with a new revelation of his love today.


He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands


Pray, Pray And Then Pray Some More!