Pray, Pray And Then Pray Some More!

Ephesians 6:19 (NIV) —

‘And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.’

Prayer is an important part of repentance. When we come to God in prayer, we are acknowledging our sin and our need for his grace and mercy. We ask for his forgiveness and, in his kindness, he gives it to us.

Prayer is the most powerful tool we have to take us on this road to repentance. 

If we lack humility, we need to pray for God to strip away our pride. To be freed from our sinful ways, we must turn our hearts towards God and that is only accomplished through prayer.

God tells us to seek his face.

When God asks his people to seek his face, he does this because he wants us to know him. God desires for us to have intimacy with him. This intimacy leads us to obedience and surrender and on to greater intimacy - a virtuous spiritual circle. This is the state that I want to live in.

In Jeremiah 29:13, God says ‘You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.’

I am constantly comforted to know that God will never hide from me when I seek Him with my whole heart, even if my heart feels battered and bruised.

‘The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.’ – Psalm 51:17

Psalm 51 takes us through a beautiful prayer of repentance written by David after he had sinned. It is only through prayer that God can cleanse us and make us right with him.

This week I hope you have been challenged as we've thought about and meditated on the importance of Repentance. It is my prayer for you that these Scriptures will lead you to a deeper place of loving intimacy with God.

Prayer: Why not read Psalm 51 today and try praying those words to God. He loves you so much and is always willing to forgive.


Before The Throne Of God Above


Focus On Jesus