
Psalm 23:4 –

‘Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me’

One moment we were playing superheroes and the next I was on the floor crying, slightly concussed, with blood gushing from my nose onto my nan's cream carpet. Looking back all I remember is my cousin yelling Block this!’ as he threw the punch... I blocked it... with my face. I didn't want to play superheroes much after that. Five-year-old me didn't see that punch coming, but he certainly felt it.

Is it just me or does life sometimes feel like it throws punches with little warning? ‘cough’ Coronavirus ‘cough’. Careers can derail and relationships run their course. Diagnoses can make our world cave in and all too easily the green pastures are replaced with the 'darkest valley'. In these moments we can be left 'not wanting to play' anymore. We can lose our trust in others, our hope for the future, and our faith in God.

I'm always amazed the psalmist seems unfazed by the changing scenery. He is just as confident in his shepherd in the valley as he was in the pasture. Why? He knew an eternal truth. The shepherd of our souls is not a fair-weather friend; he is a very present help in times of trouble. Where everything else changes, God does not. When everything around is bad, God is still good.

I believe this verse contains a subtle clue to how we can also possess such assurance. Did you spot it? The psalmist goes from talking about the shepherd ('he makes/leads/refreshes') to talking to him ('You are with me').

It's as though he discovered in the valley what was true all along; God is not distant and disengaged, he is close and personal. Talking about God is great, but talking to him is even better.

Whether you feel like you are in a valley or a pasture, winter or spring, God is close and keen to converse.

Prayer – Thank you that you never leave me. Whatever I face today help me remember you are with me.


May I Present...Psalm 18


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