Follow The Leader

Psalm 23:2 –

‘... He leads me...’

I have a confession... despite growing up two minutes from the beach, it wasn't until the lockdown last year I ever walked the coastal paths on my doorstep. My dad became my tour guide. We would set out together and he would tell me all about the places he had vague memories of, what I'd see when we got there, and just how amazing it would be.

One thing Dad would not do, is tell me in advance how to get there... he simply assumed the lead. As we walked, we talked about anything and everything. Occasionally I asked him if he knew where he was going and he assured me he ‘definitely did’. Only when I needed would he offer more insight: ‘these steps are surprisingly slippy’, ‘watch the loose ground here’ etc. Eventually, we would arrive and I would see with my own eyes all that my Dad had described... and it was often even better than I imagined.

Life with Jesus is not too dissimilar. We set out on a journey with little more than a promise from our Father that there is something good at the end. But like my lockdown walks, we don't go it alone.

‘.... He leads me...’ the psalmist wrote.

This doesn't paint a picture of a God who stands behind yelling ‘go’, but one who goes before and beckons ‘come’. He knows where he's going and he knows what we need to know when we need to know it. En route he wants to talk, he wants to hear our hopes and dreams, the things that weigh heavy on our heart, and the things that make us come alive.

We don't always get a step by step guide to life, but we get a guide who is with us every step. Let him lead you today. Get lost in him and you'll find yourself exactly where you are supposed to be, and I'll hedge my bets it'll be even better than you ever imagined.

Prayer – I'm sorry for where I've tried to lead myself, help me trust you, and follow your lead.




Green Pastures