Break The Cycle
‘The hair of his head began to grow again’ Judges 16:22
The book of Judges contains story after story of Israelite leaders, each more corrupt than the last, repeating a cycle of sin, oppression, repentance and deliverance – before returning to sin again. In fact, the book itself is often understood as a repeated warning against the damage of corruption, as the people of Israel stepped away from the covenant they had established with God who had led them out of Egypt and into the promised land. The result every time is destruction and death.
Amongst this narrative we find Samson, blessed with a supernatural strength from birth, symbolised by his uncut hair. When repeatedly corrupted by the temptation of sin, Samson’s hair is cut and his strength is lost; unfaithful to the covenant he seems to drift further and further God.
It can be all too easy to find ourselves in this place, right? Usually, it doesn’t happen all at once, but it sneaks in; little by little, small decision by small decision, we let the temptation of sin start to get a foothold in our lives. We spend too much time around bad influences, we watch Netflix instead of reading our bibles, cancel our giving one month so we can buy ourselves the latest iPhone - and before we know it, we feel far from God.
The danger in the Christian life can be that we can have such a desire to live Christlike lives that we can struggle to admit when things have gone off route. When corrupt behaviours begin to slip in we can find ourselves fearing turning back to God, and feeling weakened and imprisoned by our sin we begin to adopt more and more unholy practices.
And yet, in the story of Samson we read of how, despite the mess he had created, the moment he turns back to God and prays, God renews his strength. The overwhelming truth of this story is the loving pursuit of God for you; the truth that his strength is always readily available to you when you turn to him and pray. God’s Spirit empowered Samson, not because he permits his corruption, but because he is committed to saving him.
Sometimes, especially in seasons like this, we can find ourselves struggling to hold ground, feeling like we are fighting this spiritual battle on so many fronts. But in James 4:7 it says ‘Resist the Devil, and he will flee’. If you have found yourself feeling like you have drifted from God, or that you're just too far lost - know that he is closer than your skin. That he meets you with grace and forgiveness, always ready to wash you white as snow.
There is always a strength and restoration available in God when we turn to him and pray. So, no matter how much of the house you built to the Lord feels knocked in, kneel in prayer and allow God’s mercy and strength to break the cycle.
Reflect: Take a minute to name any bad habits you might have developed in this season that have made you feel distant from God. Then pray, Holy Spirit, increase my strength. Amen.
Hazel Lynch