What To Do When Faith Feels Tough – Bring It To God

Matthew 11:28 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”

 In tough seasons, once we’ve processed how we’re feeling and why that might be, the Bible invites us to go to God. We need to invite God in; there’s simply no other way because we can’t do life on our own, we’re not designed that way. So when we’re overwhelmed, exhausted or everything seems to be stacking up against us, the only place we can find rest is in Jesus. 

In those moments it’s an incredible truth to remember that we can go to God. Particularly when situations involve our usual go-to friends or family members; it can sometimes be hard to find someone safe, reliable and honest to turn to. I’ve found I’m much more ‘on edge’ at night; it’s when I reflect on my day and my thoughts tend to go into a downward spiral, and that is when I’ve found this quote quite helpful to come back to;

“When it’s too late to call a friend, remember God is always up”

The death and resurrection of Jesus show the fulness of God’s love for us, bringing those who receive him by faith. forgiveness, salvation and the gift of eternal life; life that begins now and is never lived alone: he is with us. He will stand by us through thick and thin. We can trust that we can come to him day by day and He will give us rest from all that we are experiencing; from the raw emotion and pain that we know he can relate to. What good news!

Prayer – Lord - I invite you in. I can’t do it on my own. Thank you that you are consistent - thank you that you are always here no matter what. Thank you for my eternal salvation and help me rest in this truth today.


What To Do When Faith Feels Tough – Lean On Your Community


What To Do When Faith Feels Tough – Embrace the Season