What To Do When Faith Feels Tough – Lean On Your Community

1 Thessalonians 5:14 –

“And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone”

I can honestly say that I have the best friends in the world (you know who you are!). I’m so blessed to be surrounded by a community of incredible people who champion me, encourage me, challenge me & support me through the ups and downs - and who I can (hopefully!) do the same for as well. In the tough seasons, they’re the people who come around me and make me feel a bit better about myself and help me rationalise emotions. But they’re also the people who can call me out, correct me when I’m in self-sabotage mode and make me realise that I can control elements of the situations I am finding frustrating. 

These friendships have been so key for me navigating faith, life, decisions and understanding more about who I am & how I react. Their counsel provides wisdom to keep me on the track that God has for my life. Not everything they say is always the route I take - and having too many voices inputting your decisions is confusing. But God has gifted us all with community so we can pick out the gold from what our friends advise, and the experiences we go through together, to help shape our own individual paths and to move forward.

In tough seasons we can rely on our communities to support us through - by both encouraging us but also correcting us. Who are the friends who can comfort you, support you, that you can be totally honest with and be yourself with (warts & all)? But who are the people that will also be real with us; who will give us a kick up the proverbial when we need it and point out the things we need to be grateful for? Don’t be afraid to lean on these people - as they will need you to journey with them in their tough seasons of life too; it’s what God calls us to do for each other: ‘Love one another as I have loved you.”

Prayer – God, I bring to mind people for whom I’m so grateful. I pray that you strengthen and protect those who support & champion me, but who will call me out when I am in the wrong. Please highlight others whom I can support in the same way. I give thanks for the community you have placed me in and the gift that is.


What To Do When Faith Feels Tough – Wait Well


What To Do When Faith Feels Tough – Bring It To God